Thursday, April 22, 2010

What Now?

Sorry I have not been blogging lately I have been feeling awful lately, I must have had some volcanic ash in my sinuses ;). Well the campaign had a huge shock with the Liberal Democrats making a big push in the poll. So what do each of the parties need to do to win. Conservatives need to focus on grabbing liberal votes. Push to make people look at Clegg like a normal politician. If he can get a 5 or 6 point lead over the LibDems, he can truly make the argument that he is the one who can oust Gordon Brown. Labour needs to trash Cameron, make him seem unbearable to the nation, if they can make him seem so bad, Labour can push themselves as the only party that can stop the CamMonster. LibDems need to find one more thing to keep excitement with his campaign. Cable and Clegg excitement will die soon, I believe a pledge not to support a government under Prime Minister Brown, could be more sure of the possibility of change. My suggestions all have the chance to fail miserably, but if you want power you must be daring.

1 comment:

  1. You are correct, and the Conservatives have delivered. A good debate performance and two polls showing a 5 % Conservative lead and Lab tied with the Lib Dems. This as you suggest will mean more soft liberal votes (56% of Lib Dem supporters polled said their votes were changeable) will revert back to the Tories.
