Friday, April 16, 2010

Where would Labour be under Blair?

Americans sometimes do not get the movements of British politics. I was only a toddler, but most Americans could not comprehend the removal of Margaret Thatcher. She seemed to be the ultimate leader who had made Britain relevant again. Something similar happened three years ago. We understood the British people's distaste for the Iraq War in 2007, we had it too. But Tony Blair was a brilliant, dashing figure. He seemed to be the most charming politician on Earth, he was the political Hugh Grant. But instead the Labour Party decided to go with Gordon Brown, who is as charming as a brick wall. Make no question about it, Tony Blair would have dominated the debate last night. I believe Labour would also be leading in the polls if Tony Blair was in charge of the party. Now, they pray for a hung parliament, don't always go to where the grass looks greener.

1 comment:

  1. You are right Blair would have helped Labour. Brown is an unelected party leader and Prime Minister. Labour deserve everything they get for ditching Blair and I am a Conservative!
